The Descendants of the teacher S a n w i l  and his son  J e s a i a

from Meimbressen

-         the G o l d w e i n – family  -



The first name of the ancestors of the Goldwein family from Meimbressen I could find in the project “Juedische Friedhoefe in Hessen” ( was


F I R S T  G E N E R A T I O N :


1. S a  n w i l, he was teacher, he had a son:

                        + 2. Jesaias.



S E C O N D  G E N E R A T I O N :


2. J e s a i a s, he was a “Thorakundiger”, he had a son:

                        + 3. Sanwil.

    Jesaias died on 08.10.1752 in Meimbressen (grave no. 140). 



T H I R D  G E N E R A T I O N :


3. S a n w i l  married Breinchen, they had a son:

                      + 4. Salomon.

Sanwil died on 02.11.1785 in Meimbressen, Breinchen died 22.12.1784 in Meimbressen (grave no. 32)



F  O U R T H  G E N E R A T I O N :


4. Salomon Samuel Goldwein from Meimbressen, he married Hendel Heinemann, born

                                                   about 1764. They had five children:


                                                   + 5. Samuel Salomon Goldwein, born 1792 in Meimbressen

                                                   + 6. Moses Salomon Goldwein, born 1796 in Meimbressen

                                                   + 7. Levi Salomon Goldwein, born 18.09.1805

                                                                                                    in Meimbressen

                                                   + 8. Schay Salomon Goldwein, born 16.04.1807

                                                                                                      in Meimbressen.


Salomon Samuel Goldwein died on 02.11.1840 in Meimbressen (grave no. 11), Hendel Goldwein died 08.03.1845 at the age of 81 years.


(Staatsarchiv Marburg, Bestand 76a, Nr. 28, 16, Koenigreich Westphalen,  Praefektur, Aufstellung der Judentabellen 1812, Meimbressen)







F I F T H  G E N E R A T I O N :


5. Samuel Salomon Goldwein, born 1792 in Meimbressen, he married Jettchen Herzfeld,

                                                    born July 1800 from Helmarshausen. They had seven



                                                     + 9. Breinchen Goldwein, born 12.09.1825 in Meimbressen

                                                     + 10. Herz Goldwein, born 07.07.1827 in Meimbressen

                                                        11. Fratchen Goldwein, born 19.06.1829 in Meimbressen,

                                                            she was a single, she died on 06.11.1876 at the age of 47

                                                            in Breuna.

                                                        12. Beile Goldwein, born 19.06.1829 in Meimbressen, she

                                                              died 21.05.1830

                                                     + 13. Betti Goldwein, born 28.12.1831 in Meimbressen

                                                     + 14. Marcus Goldwein, born 09.03.1834 in Meimbressen

                                                     + 15. Fromtchen Goldwein, born 25.06.1836

                                                                                                  in Meimbressen


Samuel Salomon Goldwein died 17.02.1876 at the age of 83 years and 8 months in Meimbressen, Jettchen Goldwein died on 27.02.1840 in Meimbressen at the age of 39 years

and 7 months (grave no.128).


6. Moses Goldwein, born 11.08.1797 in Meimbressen. He married 10.09.1834  Bunchen /

                                  Bune Herzfeld, born September 1810 in Helmarshausen, daughter of

                                  Hirsch Herzfeld. They had nine children:


                                  + 16. Fromtchen Goldwein,born 30.08.1835 in Meimbressen

                                     17. Breinchen / Berta Goldwein, born 18.01.1838 in Meimbressen,

                                           she was a single, she died 30.11.1901 in Meimbressen (grave


                                  + 18. Jettchen Goldwein, born 20.02.1840 in Meimbressen

                                     19. Reba Goldwein, born 13.02.1842 in Meimbressen

                                     20. Salomon Goldwein, born about December 1843 and January 1844

                                           in Meimbressen, he died on 06.03.1846 at the age of 2 years and

                                           3 months

                                  + 21. Caroline Goldwein, born about 1845 in Meimbressen

                                     22. Hirsch Goldwein, born 05.03.1846 in Meimbressen, he died on

                                           22.08.1846 in Meimbressen

                                     23. Hendel Goldwein, born 14.08.1847 in Meimbressen, she died on

                                           10.10.1865 in Buchenau. She is buried in Buchenau.

                                                    (HHStA WI, 365, No.116 Buchenau, death-lists 1825-1877)

                                  + 24. Marcus Goldwein, born 18.08.1849 in Meimbressen.


Moses Goldwein died on 08.06.1875 at the age of 74 years and 10 months in Meimbressen. Bunchen Goldwein died on 19.11.1887 at the age of 79 years.


7. Levi Goldwein, born 18.09.1805 in Meimbressen, he married 06.11.1837 Malchen / Male

                               Kaufmann, 18 years old, from Zierenberg, born about 1819, daughter of

                               Jakob Kaufmann aud his wife Schoenchen, nee Mansbach. They had six



                                  25. Schoenchen Goldwein, born 06.02.1840 in Meimbressen, she died

                                        27.11.1840 in Meimbressen

                                  26. Breinchen Goldwein, born 17.01.1842 in Meimbressen

                               + 27. Salomon Goldwein, born 29.08.1844 in Meimbressen

                                  28. Hanchen Goldwein, born 16.03.1847 in Meimbressen, she was a

                                        single, she died on 11.01.1933 in Meimbressen (grave no. 124)

                               + 29. Samuel Goldwein, born 27.01.1850 in Meimbressen

                               + 30. Jacob Goldwein, born 14.04.1854 in Meimbressen he died on

                                        29.01.1928, (grave no. 122).


Levi Goldwein died on 21.10.1867 in Meimbressen, Malchen Goldwein died on 11.11.1871 at the age of 52 years in Meimbressen.



8. Schay / Jesaias Goldwein, born 16.04.1807 in Meimbressen, he married at the age of 39

                                                 years on 08.03.1848 Hannchen Voremberg, 28 years old,

                                                daughter of Samuel Voremberg and his wife Chinka, nee

                                                Rosenberg. Jeremias and Hannchen Goldwein had four



                                                  31. Hendel Goldwein, born 03.01.1849 in Meimbressen, she

                                                        died on 23.01.1849.

                                               + 32. Chinka/Catinka Goldwein, born 16.05.1852 in


                                                  33. Bertha Goldwein, born 04.02.1855 in Meimbressen, she

                                                         died on 11.10.1863 at the age of 8 years and 8 months   

                                               + 34. Betti Goldwein, born 01.12.1858 in Meimbressen.


Jesaias Goldwein died on 29.07.1868 at the age of 60 years in Meimbressen. Hannchen Goldwein died on 11.11.1890 in Meimbressen (grave no. 52)



S I X T H  G E N E R A T I O N :


9. Breinchen Goldwein, born 12.09.1825 in Meimbressen, she was married on 18.06.1850 in

                                         Meimbressen to Juda Hamberg , born 08.02.1820 in Breuna, son

                                         of Samuel Hamberg and his wife Fratchen, nee Baruch. Breinchen

                                         and Juda Hamberg had two daughters:


                                            35. Kreschen Hamberg, born 23.04.1851 in Breuna.

                                         + 36. Rosa Hamberg

                                                    (HHStA Wiesbaden, Bestand 365, No. 90 Birthlists Breuna.)


                                                  Juda Hamberg died on 18.03.1863 in Breuna.


10. Herz Goldwein, born 07.07.1827 in Meimbressen, he married on 19.05.1863 in

                                 Meimbressen Scheinchen / Jeanette Leiser, born 30.07.1838 in

                                 Niederurff, daughter of Leib Leiser and wife wife Rebecka, nee Stiefel.

                                 Herz and Jeanette Goldwein had four children:


                                    37. Jettchen Goldwein, born 29.04.1867 in Meimbressen


                                    38. Salomon Goldwein, born 27./28.12.1868 in Meimbressen, he died

                                          on 17.01.1869

                                 + 39. Levi Goldwein, born 27./28.12.1868 im Meimbressen

                                 + 40. Jacob Goldwein, born 06.08.1870 in Meimbressen.


13. Betti Goldwein, born 28.12.1831 in Meimbressen, she was married on 29.11.1854 in

                                  Meimbressen to Israel Katzenstein II, 28 years old, born 25.12.1825 

                                  in Hoeringhausen, son of the merchant Auscher Katzenstein and his

                                  wife Malchen, nee Schulhof. Betti and Israel Katzenstein had five



                                  + 41. Sarah / Soralie Katzenstein, born 15.04.1859 in Hoeringhausen.

                                           She was married on 11.09.1883 to Marcus Goldwein, son of

                                           Moses Goldwein and his wife Bienchen, nee Herzfeld (No.24 of

                                           the genealogy). She was Marcus Goldwein’s second wife.

                                  + 42. Helene Katzenstein, born 26.05.1861 in Hoeringhausen

                                  + 43. Matilde Katzenstein, born 23.06.1865 in Hoeringhausen

                                  + 44. Minna Katzenstein, born 17.06.1872 in Hoeringhausen

                                  + 45. Fanny Katzenstein, born 15.07.1874 in Hoeringhausen.


                                  Israel Katzenstein died 08.01.1916 in Hoeringhausen, Betti Katzenstein

                                  died 28.08.1920 in Hoeringhausen.


14. Marcus Goldwein, born 09.03.1834 in Meimbressen, he married 09.08.1871 in Breuna

                                      Fanny Herzfeld, 24 years old, born about 1847, from Helmarshausen,

                                      daughter of Michael Herzfeld and his wife Julchen, nee Hagedorn.

                                      Marcus and Fanny Goldwein had at least five children:


                                         46. Judchen Goldwein, born 11.06.1872 in Breuna

                                         47. still born, female, 17.11.1873

                                         48. Julchen Goldwein, born 09.01.1875 in Breuna

                                         49. Helene Goldwein, born 25.07.1876 in Breuna

                                      + 50. Moritz Goldwein, born 16.02.1884 in Breuna.

                                      (HHStA Wiesbaden, Bestand 365, No. 91, Birthregister Breuna 1866-1878)


                                              Marcus and Fanny Goldwein were buried in Breuna.


15. Fromtchen / Fanny Goldwein, born 25.06.1836 in Meimbressen, she was married on

                                                         11.06.1862 in Meimbressen to Koppel Katzenstein,

                                                         butcher, 36 years old, born 20.06.1823 in Voehl,

                                                         Grossherzogthum Hessen. son of the butcher Beer

                                                         Katzenstein and his wife Rebecka, nee Jakob.

                                                         Koppel Katzenstein died before 1877. Fanny Goldwein

                                                         was married on 07.05.1876 to Samuel Katzenstein I,

                                                         born 25.04. or 10.05.1830 in Voehl, son of Beer

                                                         Katzenstein and his wife Rebecka, nee Jakob, brother of

                                                         Koppel Katzenstein. Fanny Katzenstein died 04.02.1906

                                                         in Hoeringhausen. Samuel Katzenstein married

                                                         12.09.1906 Friederike / Rickchen Jacob from

                                                         Sachsenhausen, housekeeper. Samuel Katzenstein died

                                                         05.03.1909 in Voehl.


16. Fromtchen Goldwein, born 30.08.1835 in Meimbressen, she was married on 20.10.1858

                                            in Meimbressen to Herz Katz, born 11.06.1825 in Buchenau, son

                                            of the (scrap)iron-merchant Abraham Katz and his wife Kress, nee

                                            Levi. Fromtchen / Frommet and Herz Katz lived in Buchenau.

                                            They had three children:


                                            50a. Brendel Katz, born 25.05.1863 in Buchenau

                                            50b. Abraham Katz, born 08.051865 in Buchenau

                                            50c. Salmon Katz, born 07.03.1867 in Buchenau

                                            (HHStA Wi, 365, No.114, Buchenau, birth-lists 1825-1881)


18. Jettchen / Guete Goldwein, born 24.02.1840 in Meimbressen, she was married on

                                                     23.12.1862 in Buchenau to Aron Katz, born 20.07.1828 in

                                                     Buchenau, son of Abraham Katz and his wife Kress, nee

                                                     Levi. Aron and Jettchen Katz lived in Eiterfeld. Aron Katz

                                                     died in 1905.


21. Caroline Goldwein, born about 1845 in Meimbressen, she was married at the age of 23

                                        years on 02.09.1868  to David Adler, 35 years old, born about 1833

                                        from Burghaun, son of Herz Adler and his wife Beile, nee

                                        Richheimer. Caroline and David Adler lived in Burghaun, they had

                                        three children:


                                        + 51. Agathe (Breine, Chaie) Adler, born 1872 in Burghaun

                                           52. Helene Adler, born 1876 in Burghaun

                                        + 53. Hermann Adler, born 01.01.1880 in Burghaun.


                                        Caroline Adler died about 1918 and 1920 in Burghaun

                                        (grave no. 648), David Adler died in 1920 in Burghaun

                                        (grave no. 656).


24. Marcus Goldwein, born 18.08.1849 in Meimbressen, he married first on 06.11.1878 in

                                      Meimbressen Bertha Perlstein, born 08.11.1856 in Meimbressen,

                                      daughter of  the merchant Meier Perlstein and his wife Jettchen, nee

                                      Wolff. Marcus and Bertha Perlstein had two sons:


                                          54. Moses Goldwein, born 12.10.1879 in Meimbressen, he died on


                                       + 55. Meier Goldwein, born 27.09.1880 in Membressen.


                                       Bertha Goldwein died on 18.08.1882 in Meimbressen at the age of

                                       25 years and 9 months.

                                       Marcus Goldwein married the second time on 11.09.1883 in

                                       Meimbressen Sarah Katzenstein, born 15.04.1859 daughter of

                                       Israel Katzenstein and wife Betti, nee Goldwein (No. 41 of the

                                       genealogy). Marcus and Sarah Goldwein had five children:


                                       + 56. Helena Goldwein, born 15.08.1884 in Meimbressen

                                          57. Siegfried Goldwein, born 25.09.1885 in Meimbressen, he died

                                                on 23.11.1885.

                                       + 58. Metha Goldwein, born 10.10.1886 in Meimbressen

                                       + 59. Pinha / Bina Goldwein, born 24.02.1889 in Meimbressen

                                       + 60. Adolf Goldwein, born 01.11.1891 in Meimbressen.


                                        Marcus Goldwein died on 14.01.1922 in Meimbressen (grave no. 77)

                                        Sarah Goldwein died on 06.07.1935 in Meimbressen (grave no. 68).


27. Salomon Goldwein, born 29.08.1844 in Meimbressen, he married on 24.10.1876 in

                                        Meimbressen Bella Adler, born 12.09.1855, daughter of the

                                        merchant Selig Adler and his wife Amalia, nee Winkler. Salomon

                                        and Bella Goldwein had six children:


                                        + 61. Levi Goldwein, born 16.09.1877 in Meimbressen

                                           62. Moses Goldwein, born 03.11.1879 in Meimbressen

                                           63. Matilta Goldwein, born 05.12.1881 in Meimbressen

                                        + 64. Louis Goldwein, born 03.05.1884 in Meimbressen

                                        + 65. Amalia Goldwein, born 11.01.1887 in Meimbressen.

                                        + 66. Sally Goldwein, born 21.01.1895 in Meimbressen.


                                        Salomon Goldwein died on 15.01.1928 in Meimbressen

                                        (grave no. 121), Bella Goldwein died on 24.11.1933 in Meimbressen


29. Samuel Goldwein, born 27.01.1850 in Meimbressen, he married on 15.08.1883 in

                                      Meimbressen Bertha Mosheim, born 27.02.1857, daughter of Elias

                                      Mosheim and his wife Roeschen, nee Loewenstern from Adorf.

                                      Samuel and Bertha Goldwein had three children:


                                      + 67. Levi / Louis Goldwein, born 28.08.1884 in Meimbressen

                                      + 68. Rosa Goldwein, born 19.02.1886 in Meimbressen

                                      + 69. Amalia Goldwein, born 05.07.1888 in Meimbressen.


                                      Samuel Goldwein died on 08.08.1935 in Meimbressen (grave no. 123)

                                      Bertha Goldwein moved to Kassel on 10.05.1939. She was deported

                                      from Kassel on 07.09.1942 to Theresienstadt (Terezin), where she

                                      perished on 25.09.1942.


30. Jacob Goldwein, born 14.04.1854 in Meimbressen, he married Bertha Frankenberg,

                                   born 21.11.1860 in Voerden / Hoexter. Jacob and Bertha Goldwein had

                                   eight children:


                                   + 70. Mina Goldwein

                                   + 71. Leopold Goldwein, born 25.07.1887 in Kassel / Ehrsten

                                                                                                                         (IST Bad Arolsen)

                                   + 72. Selma Goldwein, born 07.03.1889

                                   + 73. Julie  Goldwein, born 03.02.1893 in Meimbressen

                                   + 74. Hetty Goldwein, born 22.12.1894 in Meimbressen

                                   + 75. Toni Goldwein, born 05.09.1896 in Meimbressen

                                   + 76. Johanna Goldwein, born 29.03.1900 in Meimbressen

                                   + 77. Paula Goldwein, born 07.04.1903 in Meimbressen.


                                   Jacob Goldwein died on 29.01.1928 in Meimbressen (grave no.122).

                                   Bertha Goldwein moved to Kassel, Woerthstrasse 20 on 05.12.1939.

                                   She was deported from Kassel on 07.09.1942 to Theresienstadt

                                   (Terezin) and from there on 29.09.1942 to Treblinka.

                                   (Her daughter Paula Loewenstern wrote on 09.10.1955 a testimony in Yad Vashem for

                                            her mother.)


32. Chinka/Catinka Goldwein, born 16.05.1852 in Meimbressen, she was married on

                                                     11.05.1880 in Meimbressen to Levi Jacoby, born

                                                     20.07.1850 in Fuerstenau, district Hoexter, son of Jacob

                                                     Jacoby and his wife Elisa, nee Lipper.


34. Betti Goldwein, born 01.12.1858 in Meimbressen, she was married on 07.04.1886 in

                                  Meimbressen to Carlmann Rosenberg, widower. They had a son:


                                  78. Simon Rosenberg, born 27.04.1887 in Meimbressen, he died on




S E V E N T H  G E N E R A T I O N :


36. Rosa Hamberg, she was married 13.08.1874 in Breuna to Joseph Braunsberg, son

                                  of Heinemann Braunsberg and his wife Miriam, nee Schoeneberg from

                                  Breuna. Rosa and Joseph Braunsberg had four children:


                                  79. Johanna Braunsberg, born 23.06.1875 in Breuna

                                  80. Judchen Braunsberg, born 17.07.1876 in Breuna

                                  81. Julius Braunsberg, born 05.02.1878 in Breuna.

                                  (HHStA Wiesbaden, Bestand 365, No. 91 Birthregister Breuna 1866-1878)


                                          Rosa Braunsberg died between 1878 and 1881. Joseph Braunsberg

                                   married a second time Esther, nee Braunsberg. Joseph and Esther

                                   Braunsberg had four children:

                                       81a. Max/Matthias Braunsberg, born 1881 in Breuna

                                       81b. Salo Braunsberg, born 1883 in Breuna

                                     + 81c. Hermann Braunsberg, born 29.03.1888 in Breuna

                                       81d. Minna Braunsberg, born 16.06.1889 in Breuna.


39. Levi Goldwein, born 27./28.12.1868 in Meimbressen, he married Amalia / Mathilde

                                 Goldwein, born 05.07.1888 in Meimbressen, daughter of Samuel

                                 Goldwein and his wife Bertha, nee Mosheim (No. 69 of the genealogy).

                                 Levi and Amalia Goldwein had four children:


                                 + 82. Erich Goldwein, born about 1910

                                 + 83. Hermann Goldwein, born 21.05.1911 in Meimbressen

                                    84. Irmgard Goldwein

                                 + 85. Martha Goldwein, born 02.08.1914 in Meimbressen.

                                 (Informations from Gabi Goldwein, Haifa and from Erich Goldwein’s daughter Orit)


                                 Later Levi and Amalia Mathilda moved to Kassel and lived in

                                 Prinzenstrasse 14. Levi Goldwein died on 04.08.1941 in Kassel in the

                                 camp Wartekuppe.

                                 (Helmut Thiele, Die iedischen Einwohner zu Kassel, p.665)


                                 Amalia Mathilde Goldwein was deported from Kassel on 09.12.1941 to

                                 Riga and from there in 1944 to Stutthof.


40. Jacob Goldwein, born 06.08.1870 in Meimbressen. He was deported from Münster

                                   Bielefeld on 31.07.1942 to Theresienstadt (Terezin) and from there on

                                   23.09.1942 to Treblinka.



41. Sara / Soralie Katzenstein, born 15.04.1859 in Hoeringhausen. She was married on

                                                    11.09.1883 to Markus Goldwein, born 18.08.1849 in

                                                    Meimbressen, son of Moses Goldwein and his wife

                                                    Bienchen, nee Herzfeld (No.24 of the genealogy). She was

                                                    his second wife. Markus and Sara Goldwein had five children

                                                    (No.56-60 of the genealogy).


42. Helene Katzenstein, born 26.05.1861 in Hoeringhausen. She was married on 08.11.1887

                                         to Matthias Braunsberg, born 19.05.1856 in Breuna, son of

                                         Heinemann Braunsberg and his wife Mariam, nee Schoneberg.

                                         Helene Katzenstein war Mattias Braunsberg’s second wife. He

                                         married first Sarah Wolf. Matthias and Sarah Braunsberg had two



                                            85a. Joseph Braunsberg, born 1885

                                         + 85b. Victor Braunsberg, born 29.03.1887 in Breuna.


                                         Sarah Braunsberg died in 1887. Mattias Braunsberg married a

                                         second time on 08.11.1887 Helene Katzenstein. Helene and

                                         Matthias Braunsberg had two children:


                                         85c. Albert Braunsberg, born 1890 in Breuna

                                         85d. Mathilde Braunsberg, born 1902 in Breuna.


43. Mathilde Katzenstein, born 23.06.1865 in Hoeringhausen. She was married 16.11.1892

                                             to Salomon Opppenheimer,born 13.06.1864, butcher, son of

                                             Meyer Oppenheimer and his wife Lenchen, nee Schohum.


44. Minna Katzenstein, born 17.06.1872 in Hoeringhausen. She was married on 17.07.1894

                                        to Meier Goldschmidt, born 25.05.1861 in Ober Luetringen, son of

                                        Jacob Goldschmidt and his wife Betty.


45. Fanny Katzenstein, born 15.07.1874 in Hoeringhausen. She was married on 05.06.1895

                                        to Max Weinberg, born 07.12.1872 in Siedlingshausen, son of

                                        Calman Weinberg and his wife Rica, nee Eppinghausen.


50. Moritz Goldwein, born 16.02.1884 in Breuna, he married 24.04.1914 in Volkmarsen

                                      Rosalia Schnellenberg, born 07.07.1883 in Neheim, Kreis Arnsberg,

                                      daughter of the butcher Isaak Schnellenberg and his wife Helene, nee

                                      Steinberg from Neheim. Moritz and Rosalia Goldwein had a son:


                                      + 86. Manfred Isaak Goldwein, born 19.04.1924 in Bochum.


                                       In 1930 the family moved from Wanne-Eickel to Korbach, where

                                       Moritz Goldwein became teacher of the jewish school. In  February

                                      1938 the parents sent Manfred into the States (Wilmington/Delaware).

                                       Moritz and Rosalia Goldwein left Korbach in July 1942 for Kassel.

                                       They were deported from Kassel on 07.09.1942 with the transport

                                       XV/1 to Theresienstadt and from there on 09.10.1944 to Auschwitz.

                                       ( Karl Wilke: Die Geschichte der juedischen Gemeinde Korbach. Korbach 1993,

                                                 p.104/105, 35, 44.)


51. Agathe (Breine, Chaie) Adler, born 1872 in Burghaun, she was married to Isaac

                                                         Goldschmidt, born 1865 in Steinbach. Isaac Goldschmidt

                                                         died in 1933. Agathe Goldschmidt emigrated to Palestine.


53. Hermann Adler, born 01.01.1880 in Burghaun, he married Goldine / Dina Reuter, from

                                   Breitenbach am Herzberg. Hermann and Dina Adler had two children:


                                   + 87. Max Adler, born 03.09.1908 in Burghaun

                                   + 88. Rosi Adler , born 08.10.1909 in Burghaun.


                                   The whole family emigrated in the late1935 to Palestine and lived in

                                   Nahariya. Hermann Adler died in 1956, Goldine Adler died in 1974.


55. Meier Goldwein, born  27.09.1880 im Meimbressen, he married Minna Rosenbaum,

                                   born 06.11.1885 in Meimbressen, daughter of Samuel Rosenbaum and

                                   his wife Berta/Breinchen, nee Perlstein. Meier and Minna Goldwein had

                                   five children:


                                 +  89. Ilse Goldwein, born 08.03.1909 in Meimbressen

                                     90. Ruth Goldwein, born 25.03.1911 in Meimbressen, she died on

                                                                 28.06.1936 in Meimbressen (grave no. 69).

                                  + 91. Semi Goldwein, born 07.03.1913 in Meimbressen

                                  + 92. Hilde Goldwein, born 25.02.1917 inMeimbressen

                                  + 93. Walter Goldwein, born 05.11.1919 in Meimbressen.


                                   Meier Goldwein died 25.04.1943 in Pardess Hanna / Israel,

                                   Minna Goldwein died 10.04.1948 in Pardess Hanna / Israel.

                                   (Goldwein genealogy from Gabi Goldwein, Haifa / Israel)


56. Helena Goldwein, born 15.08.1884 in Meimbressen, she was married to Karl Wolff,

                                     born 20.07.1874 in Aurich. Helena and Karl Wolff had three children:


                                     + 94. Erna Wolff, born 1913

                                        95. Willi Wolff, born 1915

                                        96. Jonathan /Jonnie Wolff.


                                         Helena und Karl Wolff were deported from Berlin on 14.09.1942

                                         to Theresienstadt. Helena Wolff perished there on 02.01.1943,

                                         Karl Wolff was deported from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz on


                                         (Hilda Miron and Manfred Voremberg wrote testimonies for them in Yad Vashem


58. Metha Goldwein, born 10.10.1888 in Meimbressen, she was married 1911 to Nathan

                                    Goldmeier, born 30.08.1879 in Uttrichshausen. Metha and Nathan

                                    Goldmeier lived in Fulda, Loeher Strasse 25. They had two sons:


                                    + 97. Max Goldmeier, born 1912 in Fulda

                                    + 98. Fred Goldmeier, born February 1915 in Fulda.


                                    Metha and Nathan Goldmeier were deported in 1942 to Zamosc.

                                    ( Hilda Miron wrote two testimonies for them in Yad Vashem.)


59. Pinha / Bina Goldwein, born 24.02.1889 in Meimbressen, she was married to Adolf

                                              Voremberg, born 1888 in Meimbressen. They had two children:


                                               + 99.   Manfred Voremberg, born 01.05.1922 in Kassel.

                                               + 100. Hannelore Voremberg, born 20.08.1927 in Meimbressen.


                                              Pinha / Bina and Adoilf Voremberg were deported from

                                              Frankfurt am Main on 11./12.11.1941 to Minsk.

                                              (Her niece Hilda Miron wrote a testimony for her in Yad Vashem.)


60. Adolf Goldwein, born 01.11.1891 in Meimbressen. he married on 21.06.1921 Berta

                                  Voremberg. Adolf and Berta Goldwein had two children:


                                  + 101. Herta Goldwein, born 12.05.1923 in Meimbressen

                                  + 102. Betty Goldwein.


                                  The family emigrated intomthe USA. Adolf Goldwein died 15.12.1954

                                  in New York, Berta Goldwein died 08.12.1967 in New York.


61. Levi Goldwein, born 16.09.1877 in Meimbressen, he married Ida Hammerschlag, born

                                 09.05.1883, daughter of Abraham Hammerschlag and his wife Johanna,

                                 nee Heilbrunn. They had four children::


                                  + 103. Erna Goldwein, born 22.03.1905 in Meimbressen

                                  + 104. Flory Goldwein

                                  + 105. Arthur Goldwein, born 13.07.1913 in Meimbressen.

                                  + 106. Marianne Goldwein, born 05.08.1926 in Meimbressen.


                                 Levi and Ida Goldwein moved to Kassel and lived there

                                 since 24.09.1940 in Giessbergstrasse 17 and since 29.09.1941 in the

                                 camp Wartekuppe. They were deported from Kassel on 09.12.1941 to


                                 ( Their daughter Flory, their granddaughter Ester and Khana Bodenheimer wrote

                                          testimonies for them in Yad Vashem.)


64. Louis Goldwein, born 03.05.1884 in Meimbressen. He died 21.09.1915 in WW I

                                   (1.Infanterie-Regiment 378)


65. Amalia / Minna Mally Goldwein,  born 11.01.1887 in Meimbressen. She lived in Kassel,

                                                                at last in the camp Wartekuppe. She was deported

                                                                from Kassel on 09.12.1941 to Riga.


66. Sally Goldwein, born 21.01.1895 in Meimbressen, he married Sophie Ernst, born

                                 19.03.1899 in Herbede / Witten, daughter of Max Ernst and his wife

                                  Henriette. Sally and Sophie Goldwein had a son:


                                  107. Hans Ludwig / Elieser Goldwein, born 18.08.1923 in Kassel.

                                  (H. Thiele, a.a.O., p. 180)


                                  Sally and Sophie Goldwein lived in Kassel since 1922. Sally Goldwein

                                  emigrated on 02.10.1933 to Bruxelles  / Belgium. His wife Sophie

                                  followed him with their son Hans Ludwig in 1935 to Bruxelles. Sally

                                  Goldwein didn’ t get a work permit in Belgium. He was arrested on

                                  15.04.1940 in Bruxelles and taken to St. Cyprien / South-France. He

                                  was prisoned in the camp Gurs. From there he was taken to Drancy and

                                  on 10.08.1942 deported to Auschwitz, where he perished on 24.09.1942.

                                  Sophie Goldwein was arrested in May 1943 in Bruxelles and taken to

                                  Malines / Mechelen. From there she was deported to Auschwitz on


                                  (Their son Elieser Goldwein wrote testimonies for his parents on 15.09.1977 in Yad



67. Levi / Louis Goldwein, born 28.08.1884 in Meimbressen, he married Bertha Katz, born

                                             12.11.1889 in Jesberg. Louis und Bertha Goldwein had two


                                              + 108. Ruth Goldwein, born 05.02.1924 in Meimbressen.

                                              + 109. Margarete Goldwein, born 28.10.1925 in Meimbressen


                                              Louis and Bertha Goldwein moved to Kassel and lived since

                                              05.12.1938 in Grosse Rosenstrasse 18 and Koelnische Strasse 4.

                                              They were deported from Kassel on 09.12.1941 to Riga.

                                              (Marga Sender, nee Goldwein wrote a testimony for her mother on 21.04.1955

                                                         in Yad Vashem.)


68. Rosa Goldwein, born 19.02.1886 in Meimbressen, she was married on 02.02.1910 in

                                  Ehrsten to Gustav Rosenthal from Krofdorf. Gustav and Rosa

                                  Rosenthal lived in Krofdorf-Gleiberg. They had a son:


                                  110. Siegbert Rosenthal, born 06.01.1924 in Krofdorf-Gleiberg


                                  Rosa and Gustav Rosenthal and their son Siegbert were deported from

                                  Frankfurt am Main on 01.09.1942 to Theresienstadt (Terezin). Gustav

                                  Rosenthal died  on 07.09.1942, Rosa Rosenthal died on 25.09.1942  and

                                  Siegbert Rosenthal died on 14.09.1942 in Theresienstadt.


69. Amalia (Mathilde) Goldwein, born 05.07.1888 in Meimbressen, she was married to Levi

                                                         Goldwein, born 27./28.12.1868 in Meimbressen, son of

                                                         Herz Goldwein and Scheinchen Leiser (No. 39 of the

                                                         genealogy). Levi and Amalia Mathilde had four children

                                                         (No. 82-85 of the genealogy). Amalia Mathilde Goldwein

                                                         moved to Kassel and lived since 24.09.1940 in

                                                         Prinzenstrasse 14 and Admiral-Scheer-Strase 13. She was

                                                         deported from Kassel on 09.12.1941 to Riga and from

                                                         there in 1944 to Stutthof.


70. Mina Goldwein, she was married to Felix Rosenthal.

71. Leopold Goldwein, born 25.07.1887 in Kassel, he lived in Kassel Woerthstrasse 20 since

                                       09.03.1939, then in Admiral-Scheer-Strasse 13, he waas deported

                                       from Kassel on 09.12.1941 to Riga.

                                       (His sister Paula Lowenstern wrote on 27.11.1955 a testimony for her brother in

                                                Yad Vashem.)


72. Selma Goldwein, she was married to Julius Bergenstein from Roth, born 13.02.1885,

                                    son of Seligmann Bergenstein and his wife Jettchen, nee Buchheim.

                                    Selma and Julius Bergenstein had three children:


                                   + 111.  Kaethe Bergenstein, born 19.05.1913 in Marburg

                                   + 112. Sally Bergenstein, born 06.01.1915 in Marburg

                                   + 113. Ilse Rikva Bergenstein, born 04.08.1917 in Marburg

                                   (Informations from Mrs. A. Wenz-Haubfleisch, HstA Marburg)


73. Julie Goldwein, born 03.02.1893 in Meimbressen, she lived in Kassel, Woerthstrasse 20

                                 since 09.03.1939, then Admiral-Scheer-Strasse 13. She was deported

                                 from Kassel on 09.12.1941 to Riga.

                                 (Her sister Paula Loewenstern wrote on 27.11.1955 a testimony for her sister in Yad



74. Hetty Goldwein, born 22.12.1894 in Meimbressen. In 1934 she lived in Fritzlar. She was

                                   a house-maid of David Loewenstern. Later she lived in Herford,

                                   Gehrenberg 1. In 1939 she moved to Halberstadt. Then she lived in

                                   Frankfurt, Roederbergweg 87.She was deported from Frankfurt Main –

                                   Berlin on 24./26.09.1942 to Raasiku / Riga.

                                   (Her sister Paula Loewenstern wrote on 27.11.1955 a testimony for her sister in Yad



75. Toni Goldwein, born 05.09.1896 in Meimbressen, she lived in Merxhausen. She was

                                 murdered in the Toetungsanstalt Brandenburg (Euthanasie) on


                                 (Her sister Paula Loewenstern wrote a testimony for  her sister on 27.11.1955 in Yad



76. Johanna Goldwein, born 29.03.1900, she worked as a domestic servant. She lived in

                                        Kassel Moltkestrasse 5 from 06.01.1936 to 01.04.1936, moved back

                                        to Meimbressen and lived in Kassel Woerthstrasse 20 since

                                        09.03.1939, then Admiral-Scheer-Strasse 13. She was deported from

                                        Kassel on 09.12.1941 to Riga.

                                        (Her sister Paula Loewenstern wrote on 27.11.1955 a testimony for her sister.)


77. Paula Goldwein, born 07.04.1903 in Meimbressen, daughter of Jacob Goldwein and his

                                   wife Bertha, nee Frankenberg she was married to Hans Loewenstern,

                                   born 27.10.1903 in Korbach, son of Oskar Loewenstern and his wife

                                   Rosa, nee Neuhaus. They emigrated in July 1933 to Palestine. Paula and

                                   Hans Loewenstern have a son:


                                   + 113a. Elieser Loewenstern, born 09.12.1941 in Petach Tikva/Israel


                                   They lived in Kfar-Shmarjahu, Israel. Hans Loewenstern died

                                   22.07.1973, Paula Loewenstern died 25.05.1981.

                                   (Karl Wilke:Die Geschichte der juedischen Gemeinde Korbach. a.a.O., p. 175, 281a)


E I G H T H  G E N E R A T I O N :


81c. Hermann Braunsberg, born 29.03.1888 in Breuna. He married Erna Johanna

                                               Gutmann from Dessau. Hermann and Erna Johanna Braunsberg

                                               lived in Leipzig, Tiekstrasse 1 and Humboldtstrasse 15. They

                                               had two children: 


                                               + 113b. Peter Heinz Braunsberg, born 26.01.1921

                                                  113c. Margaret Esther Braunsberg, she was married to N.N.

                                                            Grant. They live in England. She wrote testimonies for

                                                            her father and brother.


                                               Erna Johanna Braunsberg died on 05.01.1941. Hermann

                                               Braunsberg was deported on 20.090.1942 from Leipzig to

                                               Theresienstadt and from there on 09.10.1944 to Auschwitz .


82. Erich Goldwein, born about 1910 in Meimbressen. He lived in Israel. He had a daughter:


                                   113d. Orit Goldwein.


83. Hermann Goldwein, born 21.05.1911 in Meimbressen. He studied at the jewish teacher

                                          seminar (ILBA) in Wuerzburg from 1930-1933. He emigrated to

                                          Palestine / Israel. He died by an accident near Chadera/Israel.


85. Martha Goldwein, born 02.08.1914 in Meimbressen. She was a single, she died

                                      17.10.1936 in Kassel. (H. Thiele, a.a.O., p.353)

(Informations to No.82-85 from Gabi Goldwein, Haifa)


85b. Victor Braunsberg, born 29.03.1887 in Breuna. He married Emilie Stern, born

                                          01.06.1892 in Betziesdorf. They lived in Breuna. They were

                                          deported in 1941.

                                          (Their niece Hannah Altbush, nee Lenneberg form New York wrote testimonies

                                                     in Yad Vashem for them.)


86. Manfred Isaak Goldwein, born 19.04.1924 in Bochum, he emigrated in February 1938

                                                   into the USA and lived in Wilmington, Delaware. He joined

                                                   the US-Army and took part in the second world war. After

                                                   war he went to Philadelphia and became professor of

                                                   medicine. He has three children and five grandchildren. One

                                                   his children is:


                                                     +114. Joel W. Goldwein.


                                                    Manfred Goldwein died on 07.12.1999. He wrote a

                                                    handwritten book “Meine Reise nach Stuttgart und USA” /

                                                    “My Trip to Stuttgart and USA



                                                     (Karl Wilke: Die Geschichte der juedischen Gemeinde Korbach.

                                                                                     Korbach 1993. p. 104/105, 47.)



87. Max Adler, born 03.09.1908 in Burghaun. he emigrated in the late 1935 with his parents

                          to Nahariya / Israel. He married  there and had a daughter and a son named

                          David Adler.


69. Rosi Adler, born 08.10.1909 in Burghaun, He was married in May 1935 in Burghaun to

                          Siegfried Kóenigshofer from Halberstadt, teacher in Burghaun. Siegfried

                          and Rosi Koenigshofer emigrated in the late 1935 to Nahariya / Israel. They

                          had a daughter:


                          + 115. Chana Koenigshofer, born 1936 in Nahariya / Israel


                           Rosi Koenigshofer died in Tel Avis in 1991.


89. Ilse Goldwein, born 08.03.1909 in Meimbressen, she was married to Ernst Bartuv, born

                               12.04.1911 in Beuthen (Bytom), Oberschlesien. Ilse and Ernst Batuv lived

                               in Israel.


91. Semi Goldwein, born 07.03.1913 in Meimbressen, he married 03.09.1939 in Sweden

                                  Selma Gorski. born 1910 in Nuernberg. Semi and Selma Goldwein

                                  lived in Sweden,later in Israel. They have three children:


                                  119. Gideon Michael Goldwein, born 03.09.1941 in Sweden

                                  120. Gabriel Goldwein, born 24.03.1945 in Sweden

                                  121. Micka Goldwein, born 14.02.1951 in Israel.


92. Hilde Goldwein, born 25.02.1917 in Meimbressen. She was married on 07.02.1938 to

                                  Pinchas Meron, born 31.07.1917 in Berlin. Hilde and Pinchas Meron

                                  lived in Pardess Hanna, Israel.


93. Walter Goldwein, born 05.11.1919 in Meimbressen, he married Manja Braclawska,

                                     born 25.05.1921.


94. Erna Wolff, born 1913 in Aurich, she was married to Gustav Katz, born 1911 in Aurich.

                           Erna and Gustav Katz had a daughter:

                           125. Elly Katz, born 1937 in Aurich.

                           (Manfred Voremberg wrote testimonies for them in Yad Vashem.)


97. Max Goldmeier, born 1912 in Fulda. He married 1943 Pearl Bowman. Max and Pearl

                                   Goldmeier lived in Chicago.


98. Fred Goldmeier, born in Febraury 1915 in Fulda. He married 1948 Else Baer from

                                   from Stuttgart.


99. Manfred Voremberg, born 01.05.1922 in Kassel.He married 10.09.1947 Elisabeth

                                           Gumbel, born 06.04.1920 in Worms. Manfredand Elisabeth

                                           Voremberg live in the USA.


100. Hannelore Voremberg, born 20.08.1927 in Meimbressen, she lived in Fulda, she was

                                               deported from Frankfurt am Main on 11./12.11.1941 to Minsk.

                                               (Her brother Manfred wrote a testimony for his sister in Yad Vashem.)


101. Herta Goldwein, born 12.05.1923 in Meimbressen, she was married on 30.04.1945 to

                                     Ludwig/Lou Baer, born 06.02.1909. Herta and Ludwig Baer live in

                                     New York.


102. Betty Goldwein, she was married to Seigbert / Bert Siegel. Betti and Bert Siegel live in

                                    New York.



103. Erna Goldwein, born 22.03.1905 in Meimbressen, she was married to Gerson Jacobs,

                                    born 31.01.1903 in Soegel / Hannover, son of Jacob Jacobs and his

                                   wife Bertha. Erna and Gerson Jacob were deported from Hannover on

                                   15.12.1941 to Riga.

                                   (Erna’s sister Flory Friedner wroted testimonies for the members of her family in Yad



104. Flory Goldwein, she was married to Philipp Jacobs, born 26.09.1905 in Soegel /

                                    Hannover. Philipp Jacobs was deported from Muenster – Bielefeld on

                                    13.12.1941 to Riga. Flory Jacobs married after war N.N. Friedner.

                                    They lived in New York / USA.


105. Arthur Goldwein, born 13.07.1913 in Meimbressen. He lived in Muenster and in

                                       Amsterdam. He was deported in 1941 to the concentrationcamp

                                       Mauthausen. He perished there on 01.10.1941.

                                       (His sister Flory Friedner wrote a testimony for him in Yad Vashem.)

106. Marianne Goldwein, born 05.08.1926 in Meimbressen. She moved to Bruxelles /

                                            Belgium. She was deported to Auschwitz in 1943.

                                            (Her sister Flory Friedner wrote a testimony for her in Yad Vashem.)


108. Ruth Goldwein, born 05.02.1924 in Meimbressen, she moved to Kassel on 05.12.1938

                                    with her parents and lived in Grosse Rosenstrasse 18. From 28.05.1940

                                    to 08.10.1941 she lived in Frankfurt am Main and came back to Kassel,

                                    she lived in Koelnische Strasse 4. On 09.12.1941 she was deported

                                    from Kassel to Riga and from there to the concentrationcamp Stutthof.

                                    She was taken by ship on the Baltic Sea to Neustadt / Holstein where

                                    she died on 09.05.1945 by strain.

                                    (Marga Sender, nee Goldwein wrote a testimony for her sister on 21.04.1955 in Yad



109. Margarete Goldwein, born 28.10.1925 in Meimbressen. She lived in Kassel,

                                             Koelnische Strasse 4. She was deported on 09.12.1941 from

                                             Kassel to Riga. She survived. She was married after war to N.N.

                                             Sender. They live in Haifa / Israel.  


111. Kaethe Bergenstein, born 19.05.1913 in Marburg, Erzieherin (teacher), she flet

                                           14.07.1934 to Antwerpen and emigrated in 1935 to Brasil.


112. Sally Bergenstein, born 06.01.1915 in Marburg, he emigrated 22.10.1935 to Rio de



113. Ilse Rikva Bergenstein, born 04.08.1917 in Marburg, she emigrated 26.11.1938 to

                                                Denmark. She lives in Israel and is married to N.N. Feibel.

                                                (Informations for No.92-92b from Mrs. A. Wenz-Haubfleisch, HstA



113b. Peter Heinz Braunsberg, born 26.01.1921 in Leipzig. He was deported to Gurs, from

                                                     There to Drancy and to Auschwitz.










n       Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg, Bestand 76a, Nr. 28, 16. Aufstellung der Judentabellen 1812 Meimbressen  (black).


n       Hessiches Staatsarchiv Marburg, Protokolle II, Meimbressen No. 9, Vol. 1-3, Geburts- Trau- und Sterberegister (orange).


n       Hessisches Hauptstatsarchiv Wiesbaden, Bestand 365, Nr. 587 –589 Geburts-, Trau- und Sterberegister Meimbressen (black).


n       Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden, Bestand 365, No. 90-93, Geburts- Trau- und

Sterberegister Breuna (black).


n       Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden, Bestand 365, No. 114-116, Geburts-, Trau-und Sterberegister Buchenau (black).


n       Jüdische Friedhöfe in Hessen.  (blue)


n       Helmut Thiele: Die jüdischen Einwohner zu Kassel 1700 – 1942. Familiendaten und Adressen. Als Manuskript vervielfältigt. Kassel 2006.


n       Namen und Schicksale der Juden Kassels 1933-1945. Ein Gedenkbuch. Kassel 1986.

p.104, 190/191. (red)


n       Gedenkbuch. Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. Hrsg. Bundesarchiv Berlin, 2th Edition 2006. (CD-ROM) and:  (turquoise)


n       The Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names. Yad Vashem Jerusalem/Israel.  (violet)


n       Elisabeth Sternberg-Siebert: Jüdisches Leben im Hünfelder Land. Juden in Burghaun. Petersberg 2th Edition 2008. p. 106, 182-184, 245/246, 300-302 (yellow)


n       Monica Kingreen: Die Deportation aus Kassel am 9. Dezember 1941. In: Buch der

Erinnerung. Die ins Baltikum deportierten deutschen, oesterreichischen und

tschechoslowakischen Juden. Bearbeitet von Wolfgang Scheffler und Diana Schulle.

2 Baende. Muenchen 2003. Band II, S.657 ff.  (darkred)


n       Karl Wilke: Die Geschichte der jüdischen Gemeinde Korbach. Korbach 1993.




n index.htm

(Hoeringhausen and Voehl) (green)


Compiled by Hans-Peter  K l e i n                                                                  Melsungen, February 2009

revised June 2009, August 2009, February 2010

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